Recent history has the right believes the left is mistaken but the left believes the right in pure evil. If any change has happened of late it’s the right now becoming more hardened in their own echo chamber

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Agree on sampling error. The big shift right happened for the Rs 1992-1994 in the shock after Clinton beat Bush. Grinch led the march to the right. 1994 is when I switched from R to D. I could have made an Elon Musk cartoon showing me standing still and the Rs sprinting right.

These type of analysis are really easy to manipulate by the start and end points but also by what is included as factors for determining where on the spectrum each party is: Economic policy, Criminal Justice, Environment, Foreign policy, social issues. Neither of the parties have experience uniform motion in the left-right spectrum on all these issues. From 2008 - 2014 the Rs seemed to drift left on gay rights, becoming much more accepting of them, but that has reversed in the time since, especially in the last year.

It is not a right - left issue, but it should be considered that since 2010 the Rs have become much more intransigent, unwilling to compromise and unwilling to accept Ds as legitimate Americans. Sure the far left is also intransigent but they are only about a quarter of the D vote. The intransigent right is over half of the R vote and congressional caucus. If the Ds control the house and Senate, there are some Rs willing to compromise (infrastructure bill, military aid for Ukraine). But if the Rs control congress, they will block anything that has any D support because their number one goal is to own the libs.

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Sampling interval error. By 1994 conservatism has already moved quite far to the right.

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