Great compilation. Speaking of amnesty, human rights NGOs like amnesty international were silent throughout covid tyranny. They are all compromised: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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Human rights violations are okay in the developed western world where food is thrown in the garbage but not in the developing countries where governments are struggling to feed their population. There is big hypocrisy in international organizations like Amnesty International and the United Nations.

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Excessive cyber surveillance and tampering of digital gadgets and application including some government sponsored/authorized computer programs. Negligence of written laws and regulations while they are violated in public. Lack of transparency from the government institutions and unlawful treatment of taxpayers in violation of government policies and regulations. Lack of trust from government funded institutions like USPS, IRS, DOL, the Justice System and law enforcement.

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