Great framing. Cuban is a textbook NPC going through these 3 steps. If you think DEI is bad, it's only one small part of ESG which is communism/fascism with better branding. That should be the next domino to fall: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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It's important to distinguish the leaders from the sheeple. Mark Cuban can't possibly be stupid enough to believe the stuff he says. Democrat Party leaders spout similar nonsense daily, yet we know that multi-millionaire congressmen who get rich off of graft and insider trading are not fools. What Cuban and the rest of the Democrats understand is that most of the American sheeple ARE fools. These leaders know that they can say literally anything, no matter how unfathomably idiotic, and most of the population will nod their heads in agreement so long as the lies are stated forcefully. The leaders also know that sheeple have short memories and are incapable of recalling all the lies they were told as recently as last week, so there is no penalty for lying continuously. That's why all the mainstream media still have viewers and readers. The leaders are always pushing the boundaries, gradually discovering that there is no limit to the stupidity of the statements they can make or the obviousness of the lies they tell. Good heavens, we've reached the point where over half the country now believes that men can become women and compete fairly in women's sports. The great talent of Cuban and the Democrats is that they can look you (or the camera) straight in the eye and spew their self-serving lunacy convincingly, knowing that their followers will never stop loving them. It's called charisma, and charisma is one of the core traits of psychopaths: https://www.amazon.com/Without-Conscience-Disturbing-World-Psychopaths/dp/1572304510

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Discrimination is wrong and needs to be rooted out.

But anything past vigilance against discrimination, for example, "inclusion," is compulsive.

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Equity likes to hide in between Diversity and Inclusion. It’s one thing to be allowing and welcoming of diverse approaches and points of view … it’s another thing altogether to impose them.

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That escalated quickly.

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Nice piece. But it’s someone’s bigotry, it didn’t happen by itself

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Mark Cuban is an overrated jerk

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