As Yuri said, you cannot reason with a demoralized person. Here is an example of a woke paying the price for her beliefs: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-escape-from-new-york-part-35b

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The normal name for this is just confirmation bias "Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values." (Wikipedia)

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Ding ding ^^

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WOKE: Quasi-religious movement celebrating the debauched values of a collapsing society under the pretense of "justice". Adherents regard themselves as heroes in imaginary wars against fictitious crises and injustices, battling "the man" while ironically echoing the vacuous philosophies of PC toadies in government, corporate America, and the media. A Woke "value" is any idea that is totally at odds with rational, traditional views of morality and sanity.

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I believe a more accurate description would be “censorious, intolerant, narcissistic moral busybodies who believe they are in possession of sole moral truth and therefore it is their job to tell everyone else how they must think, feel and act”

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More important than DEFINING Woke is AVOIDING Woke: Workplaces to Avoid — if you are White, Male, or Straight: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/workplaces-to-avoid-if-you-are-white

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There’s generally no intent to reach a mutual understanding in such conversations. The intent is simply to be right and having an agreed definition doesn’t help that. Hence the resistance to agreeing a definition.

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My working definition:

“A far left identitarian movement which rejects individualism and instead assigns individuals to groups defined by the movement’s devotees which are often drawn on immutable characteristics such as race, biological sex, gender, etc and are placed onto an ‘oppressor/oppressed’ binary. ‘Oppressors’ both in the past and the present are charged regardless of intent and with no due process as guilty participants in a system which is believed to impose an asymmetric, zero-sum, and hegemonic power imbalance along the binary. Devotees who are members of an ‘oppressor’ group are required to repent for their group’s alleged crimes, remind others in their in-group of their guilt, and actively aid in dismantling these power imbalances while at the same time evangelizing the cause to non-believers. “

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WOKE is just another way of saying STUCK ON STUPID💫

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So, what you say is that you can come up with what ever deffinition of WOKE you want and your contrapart has to agree??

And if are going to pick a deffinition, what about the one provided by De Santis Officials during a trial:

Taryn Fenske, DeSantis’ Communications Director said “woke” was a “slang term for activism…progressive activism” and a general belief in systemic injustices in the country.

Asked what “woke” means more generally, [Desantis’ General Counsel Ryan] Newman said “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”

So, according to their deffinitions, woke doesn't seem to be somethig so unreasonable to me :)

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The problem with definitions of woke is that there are so many, some overlapping and some contradictory. There is no authority responsible for the English language so woke can mean whatever you want it to mean until everyone agrees on a single definition, as is broadly the case with most everyday words.

Just because you have have found a definition that you like doesn't oblige anyone else to agree. Hence the reason why people continue to ask for the definition.

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